Mother’s Day 2023

Mother’s Day is an important holiday in Honduras. Moms all over the world do so much for their children and husbands. In our neck of the woods, many mothers get up before 4:00 AM in order to start a fire, upon which they cook so their family can start the day. Other daily activities include walking the younger kids to school, washing clothes (by hand, scrubbing them on a washboard), going to the market and carrying bags of supplies back home, followed by more cooking, cleaning, and other domestic chores. I don’t know where they get the energy. Ironically, a common Mother’s Day gift is a bowl that can be used for washing, filled with groceries that mom can cook for the family (as if she didn’t have enough to do already!).

We had a nice Mother’s Day service at church. My wife lead games for the kids to be able to win a prize for their mothers. Another local missionary organization decorated, provided lunch, and along with a donor we know back in the States, helped supply gift baskets which were handed out to the moms at the end. I was grateful to preach on Proverbs 31:26-31, which I think portrays the selfless, enduring love that a mother has for her child and which God has for us.

You have granted me life and steadfast love,
and your care has preserved my spirit.

Job 10:12 (ESV)

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