
Thank you for your support! You can make a tax-deductible donation here. If you’re contributing for a specific project, please select “Use this donation for Ministerial”. Otherwise the default selection of “General” is the one to use.


Q: Why is this donation going to Running For Him 24-7 Ministries instead of Tending Sheep Ministries?

A: In order to be able to receive contributions which are tax-deductible, we’ve partnered with Running For Him 24-7 Ministries, which is a non-profit and handles donation processing for us.

Q: Why isn’t Tending Sheep Ministries a non-profit?

A: We’re a tiny family-run organization. When we looked into setting up a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in order to be able to accept tax-deductible donations, we were dismayed by the costs for startup and upkeep. It would have meant funneling more funds away from ministry work than we were comfortable with, so we decided against it.

Q: Can I donate via check?

A: Yes! Please notify us of your intention so we can provide you with instructions.

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