April Showers Bring May Flowers

We didn’t have many April showers (as is typical for where we are), but the sprinkles we’ve experienced so far have made our fruit trees happy. Here are some apples we hope to be able to eat in the coming weeks, if the birds don’t get to them first.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you godly mothers! To paraphrase David’s words to Abigail in 1 Samuel 25:32-33:

Blessed be the Lord for using you, blessed be your discretion/discernment, and blessed be you for keeping us out of trouble.

It is planting season for beans and corn. Most of our neighbors have corn in the soil at the start of May, but we’re a little behind. We’re going at our own pace, and the goal is to have seeds planted in time for the start of the rainy season in early June. I remember someone once telling me that homeschooling kids is a “hard row to hoe”. This is a good comparison, because hoeing rows is hard work too! But in so doing we get to eat organic, hyperlocally grown food which tastes like…sweat. I mean that in a good way.

We’ll have more ministry updates in a newsletter coming soon, but God has continued to give us opportunities to serve Him, and to provide for us. We can’t ask for more than that. Thank you all for your prayers.

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