
  • April Showers Bring May Flowers

    April Showers Bring May Flowers

    We didn’t have many April showers (as is typical for where we are), but the sprinkles we’ve experienced so far have made our fruit trees happy. Here are some apples we hope to be able to eat in the coming weeks, if the birds don’t get to them first. Happy Mother’s Day to all of… Continue reading

  • Living Water

    Living Water

    The image above is a syphon we use to get water from our little pond to some fruit trees we have planted down the hill. The idea is to fill up the pictured PVC pipe with water, then open a valve downhill, and have the water continually come out of the pond due to some… Continue reading

  • February 2024 Update

    February 2024 Update

    God bless you, dear reader. We hope that you are well, and we want to thank you for your prayers. The unusual image above was taken at night, and the moon was astoundingly bright. The picture doesn’t do it justice. It makes me think of Revelation 21:23, which reminds us that God’s glory (although present… Continue reading

  • What’s new: December 2023

    What’s new: December 2023

    Here’s a recent picture of golden hour through the pines. What a wonderful gift from God! As we wrap up the month of December and the year 2023, we’d like to thank you for your continued prayer support. We could not be where we are and doing what we’re blessed to be doing if it… Continue reading

  • What’s new: October 2023

    What’s new: October 2023

    Happy 506th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation everybody! It’s a good reminder to be vigilant in personal reformation, the ongoing process to ensure we stay rooted in God’s word as the ultimate authority in our lives. (2 Chronicles 34:1–7, 1 John 2:15–17) Thanks as always for praying for us and the work… Continue reading

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