
  • April Showers Bring May Flowers

    April Showers Bring May Flowers

    We didn’t have many April showers (as is typical for where we are), but the sprinkles we’ve experienced so far have made our fruit trees happy. Here are some apples we hope to be able to eat in the coming weeks, if the birds don’t get to them first. Happy Mother’s Day to all of… Continue reading

  • We’re still here!

    It’s been almost a year since I’ve updated this blog. I can’t cover everything we’ve experienced, but I’ll try to hit a few high points. Ministry We’re still serving in a small rural church in our area. I’ve gravitated into the role of teaching elder/co-pastor. Whatever your tradition may call it, the role I’m talking… Continue reading

  • The miraculous in the mundane

    What does God’s handiwork look like? Is it as obvious as writing on the wall (Daniel 5:5)? Is it as wondrous as thousands heeding the call to Christ all at once (Acts 2:41)? Could it be as plain as a bag of cement? As strange as it may sound, bags of cement and other construction… Continue reading

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