He is risen!
Happy Resurrection Sunday everyone (Matthew 28:6)! I just read an article on our brothers and sisters in the faith who are in Iran, where it is illegal to convert to Christianity. They are under constant threat of blackmail or being imprisoned. The greatest challenge my family faced today was trying to decide which church to attend, given how many are within close range. Please join me in praying for the members of the Church who are experiencing persecution for the name of our risen Savior.
Ministry Updates
We were invited to parter with our old church back in the States when they came to do a mission trip in Honduras. It was great to see our old friends and to serve alongside them, taking the Gospel into some schools.

In other news, I’ve begun teaching a hermeneutics class to pastors who are called by God, but haven’t necessarily received any formal training. What a blessing this has been!

Please continue to pray that God use us as He sees fit, and that He provide for us so that we may go where He calls and do what He commands. Also, please pray for the girl in the picture above who is awaiting surgery. She’s had several surgeries so far in attempt to repair some bad scarring on her hands, and she’s hoping that the next attempt in September will bring her the relief, both from physical pain and social stigma, that she craves.
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