Our mission is to nurture the Lord’s sheep so they can become disciple-making disciples. To this end, our ministries include preaching, pastor training, and Bible distribution.

  • What do you see?

    March flew by and April is almost gone so it’s time for a belated update. We continue to serve at a local rural church, and look forward to getting some help with children’s ministry! Starting in May we should have a youth minister which is one of the things this church has really needed. Please… Continue reading

  • Some trust in chariots

    February has been an interesting month and lots of things have happened. Where to begin? I’ll start chronologically. We’re building a workshop to use as a staging area to build our future home. It’s almost finished, and we’ve begun digging trenches for the foundation of the house. Running around buying construction materials and supervising the… Continue reading

  • The Prodigal Son

    The Prodigal Son

    We had an interesting church service last Sunday. First off, there must have been thirty people in attendance, which is a good size for this church. Secondly, some of the dogs which usually attend the service (we meet in an open air structure with a roof and no walls in a rural community) decided to… Continue reading

  • Count it all joy

    Count it all joy

    We’ve been in Honduras for three weeks now. It’s not surprising that we’ve had a few emotionally difficult moments as fear and doubt have attempted to creep in, but God has continued to sustain us. The blazing morning sun peeking through the clouds over the mountains reminds me of God’s chesed, often translated as lovingkindness,… Continue reading

  • First impressions

    First impressions

    We made it. We’ve arrived in Honduras. We are still very much getting settled and have a lot of things to do before we’ll have a permanent home here, but God will provide what we need in order to do what He’s calling us to do. Time and again He has proved this during our… Continue reading

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