
  • We’re still here!

    It’s been almost a year since I’ve updated this blog. I can’t cover everything we’ve experienced, but I’ll try to hit a few high points. Ministry We’re still serving in a small rural church in our area. I’ve gravitated into the role of teaching elder/co-pastor. Whatever your tradition may call it, the role I’m talking… Continue reading

  • The miraculous in the mundane

    What does God’s handiwork look like? Is it as obvious as writing on the wall (Daniel 5:5)? Is it as wondrous as thousands heeding the call to Christ all at once (Acts 2:41)? Could it be as plain as a bag of cement? As strange as it may sound, bags of cement and other construction… Continue reading

  • The house always wins

    “The house always wins” means that no matter what you do, the system is rigged and you will always end up losing. What if the inverse were true? What if the cards were always stacked in your favor? You might chalk up the first few winning hands to random chance, but you’d eventually start to… Continue reading

  • What do you see?

    March flew by and April is almost gone so it’s time for a belated update. We continue to serve at a local rural church, and look forward to getting some help with children’s ministry! Starting in May we should have a youth minister which is one of the things this church has really needed. Please… Continue reading

  • Some trust in chariots

    February has been an interesting month and lots of things have happened. Where to begin? I’ll start chronologically. We’re building a workshop to use as a staging area to build our future home. It’s almost finished, and we’ve begun digging trenches for the foundation of the house. Running around buying construction materials and supervising the… Continue reading

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