Honduras has a national holiday, instituted by congress over 30 years ago, on which the Bible is recognized and celebrated. It’s called Día de la Biblia (Bible Day). There are parades all over the country, and after coming from the States, it’s mind-blowing to see news reporters on live broadcasts covering the parades giving thanks to God for leaving us with the Bible.
I recently joined the local evangelical, cross-denominational pastor’s association. This group organized a parade through our small town which ended up at the park, where we had a brief worship service. It’s one thing to talk about how nice it would be to have a parade to promote the Bible (and even more its Author), but actually being able to walk in the parade was unexpectedly moving for me. We were lead by the fire department, who drove a firetruck with the siren blaring. They were followed by a marching band. Next came the local pastors and their families, followed by the congregations. After securing the proper permits with the mayor, we were given assistance by the police department, who kept traffic off of the streets on which we marched.
Here are some clips of the parade getting started, the marching band lead by the fire department, and my family in midst of the pastors:
I’m trying to convey how impactful the parade was to our small town (and indeed to the country of Honduras). Although it was on a Sunday morning, (when there’s less activity in town) people who live along the street where we marched opened doors and windows to see the parade, and there was a big turnout at the park.

I’m so grateful we have God’s word, which is indeed a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). I’m also so grateful to live in a time and a place where we can publicly celebrate the Bible, and even more, Him who left it to us.
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