
  • Día de la Biblia 2023

    Día de la Biblia 2023

    Honduras has a national holiday, instituted by congress over 30 years ago, on which the Bible is recognized and celebrated. It’s called Día de la Biblia (Bible Day). There are parades all over the country, and after coming from the States, it’s mind-blowing to see news reporters on live broadcasts covering the parades giving thanks… Continue reading

  • A trip to La Paz

    A trip to La Paz

    We took a trip to a city called La Paz (which means “Peace”) in order to visit a remote church plant from one of the local churches we’ve been collaborating with. It was an all day affair; we left at 9:00 AM and got back home at 1:00 AM the following morning. We stopped along… Continue reading

  • What’s new: August 2023

    What’s new: August 2023

    Thank you for your prayers and support! Since our last newsletter, we’ve made some ministry changes which we’re excited to tell you about: Ministry updates So what exactly are we doing ministry-wise now? As churches here congregate three or four times a week, I’ve been able to do lots of preaching as a guest preacher.… Continue reading

  • What’s new: June 2023

    June has flown by so quickly this newsletter almost landed in July! Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We’d like to ask specifically for prayer over the following items: I heard an interesting reflection lately that Jesus’ cross was not one clad with velvet. In other words, as His followers tasked with denying… Continue reading

  • Preparing for the rainy season

    Preparing for the rainy season

    In many parts of the world, people think of seasons as governed by temperature. Summer is the hot part of the year, and winter is the cold part of the year. Here in Honduras, the seasons are defined by precipitation rather than temperature. It can be a little confusing coming from the States because the… Continue reading

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