Thank you as always for your prayers and support! As mentioned in the last newsletter, we felt called to branch out and serve in multiple churches rather than just the one where we’d been exclusively for about two and a half years. We weren’t sure exactly what the Lord wanted us to do, but He has certainly confirmed this move in many ways, and we’re so grateful to be collaborating with the pastors and congregations that we’ve recently met.
Ministry updates

With our overall mission still being to edify the Church, we’ve been busy attending three local churches, where I’ve been blessed to have been called upon to preach regularly. In addition to ministry activities like making A trip to La Paz, we get to go to a church service almost every day of the week!
I’m beginning to have opportunities to do teaching in addition to preaching, which is something that’s been on my heart for a long time. In honor of national Bible Day (see below), I decided to do an apologetics lesson on why we believe the Bible when offered the opportunity to lead the youth group meeting at a local church. I was also honored by being invited to teach at a Pastors’ conference in San Pedro de Tutule.
The entire country of Honduras recently celebrated Día de la Biblia (Bible Day), which is a national holiday here. There are parades all over the country, and the local association of pastors organized a parade in our small town. My family and I were invited to march in the parade alongside the rest of the local pastors, which was an amazing experience.
Please join us in praying for the following things:
- For continued and new opportunities to preach and teach or otherwise serve the Church
- For our needs (spiritual, physical, emotional, and financial) to be met so that we can continue to serve
- For those who hear the Good News but reject it – may they come to their senses and realize the urgency of their situation (2 Timothy 2:26)
Homestead updates
The rainwater collection tank near the chicken coop is finished and has begun to collect rainwater. If it fills up before the dry season, it will save us from hauling water to the chickens each morning.

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