Serving the Lord by tending His sheep in Honduras

Our mission is to nurture the Lord’s sheep so they can become disciple-making disciples (Ephesians 4:11-16). Our ministries include pastoring, preaching and teaching, and Bible distribution.


  • Hospital Visit November 2023

    Hospital Visit November 2023

    We were recently invited to accompany a pastor friend of ours and his family to visit the local hospital. This is such an important and often overlooked ministry. The hospital where we live is the nearest one within several hours of travel, and that’s if going by car. Many people here have to take the… Continue reading

  • What’s new: October 2023

    What’s new: October 2023

    Happy 506th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation everybody! It’s a good reminder to be vigilant in personal reformation, the ongoing process to ensure we stay rooted in God’s word as the ultimate authority in our lives. (2 Chronicles 34:1–7, 1 John 2:15–17) Thanks as always for praying for us and the work… Continue reading

  • What’s new: September 2023

    What’s new: September 2023

    Thank you as always for your prayers and support! As mentioned in the last newsletter, we felt called to branch out and serve in multiple churches rather than just the one where we’d been exclusively for about two and a half years. We weren’t sure exactly what the Lord wanted us to do, but He… Continue reading

  • Pastors’ conference in San Pedro de Tutule

    Pastors’ conference in San Pedro de Tutule

    The pastor at one of the local churches we collaborate with recently invited me to speak at a pastor’s conference. Since I’ve been wanting to get involved with pastor training, I jumped at the chance. We drove about two hours or so to get to San Pedro de Tutule, and then around another half hour… Continue reading

  • Día de la Biblia 2023

    Día de la Biblia 2023

    Honduras has a national holiday, instituted by congress over 30 years ago, on which the Bible is recognized and celebrated. It’s called Día de la Biblia (Bible Day). There are parades all over the country, and after coming from the States, it’s mind-blowing to see news reporters on live broadcasts covering the parades giving thanks… Continue reading

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